Thursday, April 08, 2010

GDI Simplified

Are you tired of hearing about GDI? Do you see it advertised everywhere?
You tried it, been there done that. GDI doesn't work. GDI is only for the big boys with the big downlines and big ad budgets.

Oh but let me tell you about how well I do with GDI and this program and that program, look at my sales, look at my PayPal account, at my Clickbank account.


I want you to stop and think, stop and listen and really understand GDI.

GDI gives you a domain name. GoDaddy will sell you one for about $9.
GDI hosts that domain for you. Anyone else will charge you from $4-$20 per month depending on the bells and whistles you want.
GDI allows you to try it before you buy it,">Sign up for your free trial now. No one else will.
GDI includes a website editor so you can build your own site or let a webmaster log in and do it for you. Everyone has some kind of editor.

So we stop here and see what we have. A domain name and website up and running. At the end of one month you have paid GDI $10. You have paid anyone else $13-$25. OK, no big deal. Now go to the second month. Now you have paid GDI $20 and you have paid maybe as little as $5 to someone else. So for 2 months, GDI is at $20 and anyone else is at about $18. It gets worse because you keep paying GDI $10 per month, and someone else may only be $5 for hosting so you may be losing $5 per month, (maybe a litte less maybe a little more).

So let's say we are talking about $5 per month. Now...GDI does one other thing for you and that is the income side or referrals you make to others who get a website from GDI. Call it MLM, Network Marketing or a pyramid scheme if you want, Whatever. This is what it really means. If you make any referrals you get $1 per month from GDI. OK, so you make one referral, your wife, husband, Mom, Dad, or a stranger, and that's it. You don't know how to get anyone else to join this stupid program. So now we are talking about a difference of $4 per month.(Not much difference over a year).
So in the next month with GDI, you are only paying $4 more than with anyone else. But your spouse's account just added someone from work and now it is only $3 different until that co worker went ahead and signed up his wife and her two sisters.



The point is that the $10 per month is no more than anywhere else. And if you have a good upline sponsor (like Me:))You will pick up spillover. You can place people in your downline wherever you would like so this is my offer to you. For all those who join GDI under me through this blog post,I will rotate your GDI link in this blog post, you can send traffic if you like but I send massive traffic here also. Then, I will place those I sponsor under you, and you will get the $1 for each of them even though I sponsered them. After you join, you can contact me as your upline in your members area, just tell me you joined from this blog and I will place people under You instead of my other members.

So don't be confused by GDI">Sign up for your free trial now.

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Small business owner in So Calif. Married to the same gal for over 39 yrs, 2 kids and 5 grand kids ranging from coast to coast!