Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Manifesting money from thin air. (continued)

This lays out a road map.

If you write your own map based on what you learn from your statistics, you get a priceless blueprint to follow all the way to success.
For the untrained eye, the number above may seem pointless because they occurred the previous month. However, as you continue reading this report you begin to realize these numbers spell out exactly what you must do to achieve the dream.
And isn’t it time to achieve your dream?
In Bob’s case, his dream is to earn $5,000 per month online.
He’s selling a $37 manual on how to repair your credit, using secret tactics only bankers and multi-millionaires know… and he’s got a list of 64 subscribers to his 7 day eCourse which has to-date pulled in five sales for him.
Now that Bob has taken the initiative to find out where he’s at and write it down on paper, he’s got an indispensible tool that tells him…
Every time you get one hundred unique visitors, you can look forward to about 14 new optin subscribers to your 7 Day eCourse.
Every seven new optin subscribers will most likely bring you a new sale.
You will probably make a new sale for every one hundred unique visitors to your site.

Given the road map from the previous post, Bob realizes in order to achieve his dream of $5,000 per month in extra income, he’s going to sell (5000/37=136) one hundred and thirty-six copies of his $37 credit repair manual… per month!
Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it?
Let me tell you I can run circles around 136 sales a month – especially at $37 each.
And you can too… when you finish reading this report!
In fact, every time I mail my list I know I’m going to predictably make at least $1,000 and often much, much more…
And how often do I mail my list?
Honestly, about 2 to 3 times per week.
And this doesn’t include autoresponder messages that automatically go out on a daily basis to several different portions of my entire mailing list.
The key to your understanding is to realize that I’m not able to do these things and make this money because of who I am… but because of what I’ve learned over the past six years of working my butt off online – digging through the trenches and failing miserably over and over again…
Eventually, you run out of stuff that doesn’t work. 

Monday, May 05, 2008

Three Critical Questions You Must Ask About Your Web Traffic

1. How much web traffic are you getting right now?
2. How many of those visitors become your leads?
3. How many visitors become your customers?

Before you can start to increase the amount of sales coming through your web site or affiliate link, you must first know at a glance where you’re at right now…
Check your web hosting control panel or member’s area for ‘traffic stats’ and find how many unique visitors your web site received this month.
Now go into your autoresponder or mailing list server and see how many subscribers you have in your database. (if you don’t have an autoresponder get one quick!)
Finally, check your merchant account and see how many sales came through this month.
(Remember this report is for newbies too… read this and know exactly what it takes!)
In order to bring clarity to this lesson, here’s an example…
Bob checks his web traffic stats and discovers he had 453 unique visitors last month.
He logs into his autoresponder service and notices 64 subscribers have opted in to his mailing list and asked to receive more information from him via email…
He anxiously types in the web address of his virtual merchant account, enters his username and password and is redirected to a page displaying his total amount of sales from last month… five sales at $37 each, totaling $185 .
Not bad. But he can do better…
Bob removes a blank sheet of white 8" x 11" printer paper from his stack, grabs the blue felt-tip pen sitting next to his monitor and begins to write…
Web Traffic = 453 Leads = 64 Sales = 5 ( x $37ea)
64 / 453 * 100 = 14.1% 5 / 453 * 100 = 1.10% 5 / 64 * 100 = 7.81%
Here’s what the numbers unlock…
Bob gets around 14 out of every 100 unique visitors to subscribe to his optin list.
He’s averaging one sale for every 100 unique visitors to his site.
On average, more than seven out of every 100 subscribers produces a sale for Bob.
This lays out a road map.
If you write your own map based on what you learn from your statistics, you get a priceless blueprint to follow all the way to success.

Manifesting money from thin air.

"How to Qualify Your Web Traffic and Manifest Real, Actual SALES from Your Web Site – No Matter If You Have A Master’s Degree in Marketing or Can’t Even Spell HTML!"

I’m writing this report off-the-cuff… there may be typing mistakes or grammatical errors in some places. Don’t read this report if you plan on complaining about the spelling, punctuation or grammar of this document.
But do read this report if you’re hungry for the marketing knowledge required to take you to the next level of success in your online business. Or, if you don’t even have a business yet, read this report and you equip yourself with a powerful weapon…
One that will enable you to wield the power of success at your fingertips.
Can you imagine that power?
The power to literally manifest money from thin-air?
Seems like a distant dream, doesn’t it?
It’s not as far off as you may think… Or, maybe you’re already successful and you’re ready to experience a new level of financial freedom. Here’s your chance.
This will be short, but also contains powerful information you can use right now.
So, pay close attention and thank me later. 
The main focus of this report is on converting your web traffic into sales.
It doesn’t matter if you’re completely new to this game, or are a seasoned webmaster… if you plan to make the ‘big bucks’ over the internet you need to learn conversion.

About Me

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Small business owner in So Calif. Married to the same gal for over 39 yrs, 2 kids and 5 grand kids ranging from coast to coast!