Monday, February 01, 2010

Franchise an online Business

Doing business online.

For many people this is a real goal. Many people want to be online because it will add to the income of an existing business. Many are looking to start a new business they can work from home. And many are looking for a business on the side, to earn extra money.

OK so you want an online business, all you have to do is have a product or products to sell and build a website using website magic. Get that site indexed by the search engines, advertise, and make sales. See how easy that sounded?

And easy it is if you have either the time or the money to perform the tasks yourself or hire them out. How much time and how much money? Well I will give you an example: I own a brick and mortar business where we fabricate custom interiors. My customers will ask the same question, "How much does it cost and how long will it take?" My answer is somewhat simple, "It depends on what fabric you would like to use. Fabrics can range in price from $8-$10 per yard on up to $300-$500 per yard." Now if the client needs 50 yards of fabric for the project, you can see the price differential. It's the same with building an online business. There are a myriad of cost ranges involved based on what you want your business to be.

This brings me to offer the possibility of Franchise.

Just like in the brick and mortar world, you can franchise a business online. You get everything all set up for you, just fill in some blanks, and the owners do all the rest to promote your business. A fee is charged, usually on a monthly basis, but all the sales go to you.

Now a Franchise. may not be for everyone, there are restrictions at times on how much you can use your creativity. Notice all of McDonalds arches are golden, you don't see any with pink get my point. Still, I have used a franchise for some time now and I am very happy with the income generated through a hands free online business call a home income portal.

This Franchise. offers income from a wide variety of partner sites such as Amazon, Google, ClickBank, and many more you can add. It is set up so the sales are made right from your site, and paid directly to you through the accounts you set up. So once you agree to the $60 per month payment and go through the set up process, you're pretty much done and on autopilot. I like it because I just go in now and again and do a little tweaking otherwise I just collect the money each month.

So if a franchise sounds interesting to you, take a look at the home income portal here.

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Small business owner in So Calif. Married to the same gal for over 39 yrs, 2 kids and 5 grand kids ranging from coast to coast!

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